Volume 12 | 2024

Volume 12 | 2024

Il futuro della democrazia italiana Politica e società al tempo del governo Meloni L’obiettivo principale di questo dodicesimo volume della sedie Polidemos è quello di riflettere sui mutamenti intervenuti nella democrazia italiana sia per effetto delle nuove dinamiche internazionali (la fine dell’emergenza pandemica, lo scoppio della guerra in Ucraina, la ridefinizione delle linee strategiche del…

Volume 11 | 2024

Volume 11 | 2024

Illiberal Trends Democracies under Pressure A new specter is roaming the world: illiberalism. The past decade has seen a proliferation of studies on the rise of illiberal tendencies in Europe and around the world. Old disputes have been reopened about the compatibility of democracy and liberalism, the correctness of the term “illiberal democracy”, and the…

Volume 10 | 2024

Volume 10 | 2024

Latin America at a Glance Recent Political and Electoral Trends Latin America at a Glance: Recent Political and Electoral Trends presents an incisive collection of academic essays derived from a series of international seminars held at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan between November 2022 and April 2023. Edited by Samuele Mazzolini,…

Volume 9 | 2024

Volume 9 | 2024

On Tradition, Common Sense and Conspiracies Strategies and Insights of the Contemporary Far-Right This collective book consists of contributions by renowned international scholars of the far right who participated to the second edition of the seminar series “Populism and Far Right”, organized in 2023 by Polidemos, the Centre for the Study of Democracy and Political…

Volume 8 | 2023

Volume 8 | 2023

Constitutional Democracy and the Challenges of Anti-Liberalism Lessons from Experience One of the most important lessons from experience we learned in the past decades is the acceleration of changes in international politics, internal regimes as well as in academic research. Climate changes, Covid pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have completely overturned previous narratives of…

Volume 7 | 2023

Volume 7 | 2023

Utopian visions, dystopic realities Multidisciplinary reflections on contemporary challenges The crisis of globalisation, the rise of autocratic competitors to the liberal-democratic model, the return of symmetric warfare on European soil, the problem of energy resources and global disparities in accessing them, the consequences of the Anthropocene on the lives of millions of people around the…

Volume 6 | 2023

Volume 6 | 2023

PNRR e Città Metropolitane La sfida dei Piani Urbani Integrati È passato quasi un decennio dall’entrata in vigore della Legge 56/2014 “Delrio”, che dopo molti tentativi andati a vuoto istituiva le Città Metropolitane: enti intermedi, di secondo livello, che ereditavano i confini e le strutture delle vecchie province, ma che avrebbero dovuto svolgere nuovi ruoli….

Volume 5 | 2022

Volume 5 | 2022

Il futuro capovolto Per una mappa degli immaginari distopici del XXI secolo Da quando sul finire dell’Ottocento iniziarono a definire il canone di un nuovo genere, i racconti distopici assunsero un ruolo critico nei confronti delle promesse del progresso e dei grandi progetti di trasformazione sociale. Il fascino che le distopie esercitano sul mondo del…

Volume 4 | 2022

Volume 4 | 2022

Populism and Far-Right Trends in Europe This book contains important contributions alongside original research that took place during vibrant debates that was held between February-May 2022 at the international research seminars hosted by the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. The primary goal of the book and its authors is to offer a lens through which…

Volume 3 | 2022

Volume 3 | 2022

Democracy and Disintermediation A Dangerous Relationship What is disintermediation? In wider terms, it indicates the absence of a median entity between two subjects. As is known, it was a term born in the economic-financial sector, which then spread to different areas of social life. This variety of uses has made it ambiguous, an ambiguity that…

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